Jennifer Aniston: The Reality of the Film Industry Today

In Los Angeles, actress Jennifer Aniston, best known for her role as Rachel Green on ‘Friends’, has expressed her thoughts on how the entertainment industry has evolved in recent years. According to her, the industry has undergone significant changes and is no longer as glamorous as it once was. Aniston believes that now more than ever, success is often linked to the number of followers on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, rather than talent.

Despite acknowledging the importance of social media, Aniston admitted that she initially struggled with the idea of joining platforms like Twitter or TikTok. However, she eventually caved in and created an Instagram account in 2019, quickly amassing a million followers in record time.

While she enjoys connecting with fans online, Aniston has also set boundaries when it comes to interacting with the public. She mentioned that she prefers taking photos with kids rather than with adults, as it helps her maintain some level of privacy and avoid potential disagreements with fans who may be overly demanding. Ultimately, Aniston believes in setting boundaries to protect her personal space and well-being in the industry’s ever-changing landscape.

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