Shakira’s 20 Hottest Stage Outfits

Gamblers please note: If Shakira’s performing, odds are she’s going to be wearing something exposing her well-carved abs and midsection. You know, the hips that many have admired for more than…


Shakira's 20 Hottest Stage Outfits
Getty Images

Gamblers please note: If Shakira’s performing, odds are she’s going to be wearing something exposing her well-carved abs and midsection. You know, the hips that many have admired for more than 10 years now? With her releasing her self-titled album this week, Shakira’s out promoting hard. That means—You guessed it!—more live performances. Let’s take a look back at Shakira’s hottest outfits, some of which actually do find her a bit more covered than others. But what they have in common is that they’re equally exciting, featuring vibrant colors, rips, and looks that range from tropical to biker.


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